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How to Change Your Oil

If you've never changed the oil in your vehicle by yourself, now is the perfect time to learn. 

Simply follow these easy instructions set forth by the King and you'll never have to depend on someone else to change your oil again!



Here’s What You’ll Need:   

  • Oil Filter Wrench
  • Drain Pan
  • Wrench Set
  • Funnel
  • Oil Filter
  • Engine Oil
  • New Drain Plug, or Drain Plug Gasket
  • Engine Flush 



Words of Wisdom From The King: 

  • Every vehicle is different. Always follow the owner’s manual when it comes to maintenance and repairs.
  • Safety should be your number one priority. Don’t smoke, drink alcoholic beverages, or wear a necktie while working on the car. Watch out for hot objects, sharp instruments, hazardous materials and other potential safety hazards in and around your workspace.
  • Don’t work with a Philips when the job calls for a flat. Substituting tools can compromise your safety or your vehicle’s performance.
  • Finally, when the fun turns to frustration, or if the job requires specialized knowledge beyond your capabilities, please do not attempt it yourself. Talk to a professional mechanic or installer.

Steps to Successfully Change Your Oil 


  1. Make sure your engine is cooled completely before you begin.
  2. Pour the Engine Flush into the crankcase (where you pour your oil in). This fluid will help remove gunk, varnish, and accumulated sludge from the engine compartment.
  3. Run the vehicle at idle for 5 minutes. Do NOT drive the vehicle with the Engine Flush in.
  4. Loosen the drain plug and put the drain pan underneath.
  5. Once all the oil has drained, thread in and torque your new Drain plug with a fresh gasket. Take care to torque to factory spec. Remember to install a new drain plug gasket if you're using the old drain plug, as this will prevent leaks.
  6. Now put the drain pan under the oil filter and remove the oil filter with your oil filter wrench.
  7. Install the new oil filter, tightening it according to your vehicle's specifications.
  8. Fill the crankcase with new oil and pat yourself on the back. You're done!