EPE - Parts King EPE - Parts King


Usually, if a part is going to fail, it usually does so immediately upon being put into use.  Therefore, part of the ability we have to keep our prices so low is by not charging you for something that you will most likely never use such as things like extended warranty periods!  We've made it simple whereby we offer a 90 day exchange warranty on absolutely EVERYTHING we sell.  If you have an item that fails within the first 90 days of it’s use ... simple; send us an email that includes the original invoice number, the part number of the item, the date of purchase as well as your phone number and from there we will arrange a replacement item to be ready for you as quickly as possible and will advise you via a return email or phone call when it is ready for you to pick up.

However, if the part that you purchased from us has failed AFTER the first 90 day from when you purchased it from us and the manufacturer of the item has stated somewhere in writing that they offer a longer warranty period than 90 days, we will proudly stand behind that manufacturer's warranty period and honor their specific period ... whatever it is and right up to and including 'lifetime warranty' in the case of certain brands! 

Again, we will do our very best to have the exact same replacement item as you had originally purchased (or an equivalent item when/ where an exact replacement is no longer available) all set out and ready for you to pick up when you arrive if you give us an email prior to coming in, but regardless of the timeframe or circumstance, you MUST bring in the failed item that you wish to exchange for warranty replacement AS WELL AS a copy of your original invoice when you come in.  We DO NOT issue refunds, in-store credits or any type of monetary remuneration for warranty items, nor do we cover any 'incidentals' that you may have incurred such as labour charges, towing, etc.

Warranty coverage is against ‘defects in material and workmanship’ only and is in place for a period of time from the date of an item’s ORIGINAL PURCHASE.